Virgin Galactic Commercial Mission!

FINALLY!! Virgin Galactic launches first ever commercial mission!! LIVE COVERAGE! 

Virgin Galactic finely took flight; the passengers boarded the small craft strapped to a double wide high-altitude jet, and weighted…  
It looks like they flew around for ‘hours’ until the space ship 2 was let go from the Carrier Jet that carid the space ship to a high enough altitude that it was dropped off at with enough fuel to reach space. Not outerspace but to the highest earth atmosphere called the Mesosphere, more info can be found; 

I wanted to say why Virgin Galactic doesn’t fly to orbital space, but then I thought that it was too obvious. ‘What, some people don’t even know why it is called outerspace.’ 

Besides for the fact that there is a lot of it, I would guess that it, ‘Is way out there.’ has to do with the lack of pressure. If space pressure interests you, along with everything space, I found this page informative;   

The difference in pressure as height increases.

Now that we are over the fact that Space Ship 2 does not even reach LEO we can comment on why they fly so high.?? Like I showed above there is less pressure, which means the air is thinner, so we don’t need as much power to get lift, ‘So we can move fast enough for weightlessness.’.  

Once Ship 2 was released and it reached Mock Speeds quickly to get to the lowest height with thin enough air and low pressure that Ship 2 could fly fast enough to have weightless cargo and passengers. Yes, they were weightless, but the humans needed the pressure inside the air tight Ship 2, so their blood vessels don’t explode.?? 

I found out, “Humans don’t explode in space.” they freeze too fast, I’m guessing.?? For more info about space visit;  

I am waiting for Space Ship 4 with affordable ticket prices to Taxi people to the other side of Earth within two hours. The fleet of Space Ship 4 might not reach LEO either, but it will fly fast enough for weightlessness of maybe 30 minutes as it flies to Australia.?? The best part after the two weeks in the Out Back is getting home in 2 hours… 

One response to “Virgin Galactic Commercial Mission!”

  1. […] Virgin Galactic Commercial Mission! The First Wins? Only if it is the Best… To stay informed about our future in space read every comment made by an extremely imaginative futurist…? “Use the above link, Already?” […]

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